So many emotions I've traveled through this year. The first month was raw open wound screaming in agony if you tried to touch it, to cope with it, to understand it.
Then came the sensation of floating in a raging ocean or river with no power over your destination, just go with the flow.
Then came the rock tumbler that is used to polish the rouch edges off of rocks to make the smooth surface so desirable for jewery makers. Just tumbling through life and grabbing for a bit of love and sanity offerred by those who will. Perhaps some laughter which is the greatest healer for me.

I've worked on a few things which I'm at varying stages of progression. This is Adam after he takes a bite of the apple and is on the verge of understanding the horrors of sins released onto mankind. His expression is subtle but, you get the idea that he knows something is
cosmicly different.

Noah playing baseball and getting his serious looks down

Kira playing on the beach.